Thursday, 5 August 2010

Movies, Music and Mental State

As we all know Toy Story 3 has recently been released, and after the long eleven year wait, I thought it deserved a little bit of a mention. As there was such a wait for this film there was obviously going to be a bit of hype, some reviews stretching to say 'had the same emotional effect as bambi's mother dying.' I was taken back a bit. So on Thursday 29th July 2010 I headed to see Toy Story 3, now I didnt take some spare tissues incase I cried a little, because when I heard about the same emo state as Bambi's mother, I didnt think I would need it, because and I hate to say, I did not cry when Bambi's mother died. But I was wrong, i've never been so wrong, when that little girl said 'thermes a shanke in my bwoot', I cried like Jesus had just died. And thats not the end of it, I, in the midst of coke infused six years olds, was the only one crying in the cinema. Shameful. If i'm being totally honest that is not the only time I have cried in the cinema, so here I have made a top list of films and songs which send me a little bit despondant.

1) Titanic.
I know how much of an obvious choice it may be, but when she says 'I'll never let go. I'll never let go, Jack.' I cant help myself.

2) Lilo & Stitch.
'Ohana means family'

3) Diana Ross - If We Hold On Together.
Oh dear. Yeah that song from a Land before time. That film with the dinosaurs.

5) Bridge To Terabithia.

6) Aqua - Aquarius
ahahahaaaaa. I was listening to this song when we found my gerbil dead alright, deal with it.

Okay I think I might stop embarrasing myself there, and because my last blog was rather long I might cut this one short, but as you can see, I cry at most things I shouldnt. Hasta Levista!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Mi Primer 'Blog'

As you can see I have shaken things up a bit by putting my first ever blog title in Spanish, although I was unsure of what Spanish was for 'blog' and if i'm being perfectly honest I wasnt sure what a blog actually entailed, literally stumbling my way through the languages of IT and Spanish, I drew a blank. I headed to Google. In terms of Google, and I thought I should quote, 'typically a hybrid of a personal diary and a commentary/guide to what is on other websites, although there are actually many different types of blogs.' Why thank you Google. As I am a dangerous surfer of the web and often like to challenge the widsom and knowledge of Google, I thought a bit of IT translation would be good excerise. Just as I expected, the Spanish word for 'blog' is 'blog'. Which also got me thinking, what language is the word 'blog' in? French? Albanian? At this point I thought I was reading too much into the matter, so I left it there.

Today my msn homepage has given me the top twelve gadgets going extinct. Im not overly sure why they used the 'extinct' concept as i'm pretty sure they still have the technology to make some more, but they just choose not to. Flicking through the top twelve I thought I should share some of my favourites.

1) The Floppy Disk.
Dispite me not knowing what a Floppy Disk actually does, I think I will miss it. According to msn Sony announced it would completely cease production of floppy disks by March 2011. Which is a shame as even though I have no use for a floppy disk, it is the only thing that truely fits in the floppy disk slot on my laptop, and shoving custard creams in the drive isnt really the same.

2) Telephone Boxes.
Surely not. In the one time that I used a phone box, I found it to be a pleasant experience. Nothing to go extinct over. If they get rid of phone boxes, what will London come to? What will happen to mysterious murderous calls? Phone boxes shall not become a thing of the past. If anything i'm going to write in.

3) VHS.
I think not, being kept alive by my favourite Alice in Wonderland tape and my box TV. I am most certainly not ready for the digital switch over.

4) Phone chargers.
The idea of one big universal charger knocked me for six. Still, it would stop me standing on mine.

5) House keys.
'Another prediction by Richard Watson is that, within 20 years, it will become impossible to lock yourself out.' Without house keys?

6) Cash.
Cash. Money? Yes, apparently physical cash is going to be extinct in 40 years, and it will all be done through mobile phones and that. Which is great because I will be like fiftey something and have forgotten what a mobile phone is. Hopefully phone boxes will still be around.

That ends my top gadgets going extinct and my first blog. To conclude my first blog, I have learnt what a blog is and that I am unprepared for the digital switch over. As this blog seemed a little all over the scene, I have decided to make my blogs themed, much like themed dinner parties, but in blog form.
¡Nos vemos!